Okay, so I'm not really a couch potato. I'd rather spend my hours plucking away at a keyboard or outside doing something.

But there are a few shows that I'm hooked on, and thankfully they seem to be hits so my addiction to them can grow.

And here's the list:

Survivor - Yes, I'll admit it. I can't NOT watch it.

The Office - Let's just say I'm living vicariously through Pam. Oh, and I think I was Michael in a past life.

Deadliest Catch - Give me the Bearing Sea and some of the hardest working folks on earth, throw in a huge King Crab and I'm not moving from my seat.

Big Love - Okay, this one is my husband's fault. He started me in on it, and now I can't get enough. Granted, polygamy isn't my thing, but dang if this doesn't open my eyes to a different lifestyle.

Ace of Cakes - I don't know if it's my sweet tooth, or just that I love the people on the show, but I'm hooked.

Man vs. Wild - Who would have thought that watching a guy survive in situations I'll probably NEVER be in would be fun? Drinking your own pee, eating elephant poop and jumping in stench bogs.... go figure.


So, there is a new up and coming site that looks pretty cool. It's called Fechr.

It features different sites each day, and it sure seems like the cyberhighway's newfangled definition of "word-of-mouth".

So, check out Fechr today!

Month 1: OH MY GOD! I'm pregnant! pause... OH MY GOD! I'm REALLY pregnant!

Month 2: Will I ever feel like eating again? Will I ever like people again? Is my baby okay? I should have bought stock in Goldfish crackers...

Month 3: What's that? A light at the end of the tunnel? Oh my, the second trimester is so close.

Month 4: Wow, I could eat a horse, and I think I have enough energy to actually take a shower. Oh, hello mega headache and achy back.

Month 5: OH MY GOD! The baby is kicking me! This is incredible! I'm going to be a mom!

Month 6: Primary goal - eat everything that crosses my path. Try to avoid Burger King and Pizza Hut commercials due to travel distances...

Month 7: Okay little monster, you knocked my glasses off my tummy. Let's see if you can knock this Webster's Dictionary off! You did it, Mommy is so proud.

Month 8: OH MY GOD! I'm as big as a whale! How am I gonna get this baby out?

Month 9: Don't touch me. Don't talk to me. Don't eat any food in the house without consulting with me first. I WANT TO SEE MY BABY! NOW!

Birth: Oh sweet little baby. I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. You were worth every ache, every pain and every moment I had to wait.

Here is a new look at an old habit. I've been blogging for awhile but wanted to venture out into a different dimension than my other blog, which has turned more into a diary.

Here I plan to share my opinions more than my feelings. This should be fun!

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