Movie Names

I've been curious lately as to how much work really goes into naming a movie. I know if I were a movie maker or author of a book it would be a dreaded chore.

And why does this come to mind? I have two young girls that, no matter what the name of a movie they come up with their own name to refer to it.

For example:

Ice Age: The Meltdown = Silly Squirrel
Cars = Lightning McQueen
Jungle Book = Mowgli in the Jungle
The Little Mermaid = Ariel
Homeward Bound = Chance Goes Home

All that work and toiling for the producers to come up with the perfect name, only for it to be sidestepped entirely by two little girls.


  1. Tina K said...

    How cute. Kids pick up on the darnest things. My niece calls Lightning McQueen "Stickers" like Sally does.  

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