I'm not usually one for stereotypes, but I'm finding in life that there are definitely certain types of people.

Coke or Pepsi
Elvis or The Beatles
Boxers or Briefs

You've probably heard those.

But what about the Far Side? Seems to me you either get it or you don't. For me, I get it, and I LOVE it. I received a Far Side daily calendar as a gift this past Christmas, and to be honest I can't remember any of the other gifts I received. This one takes the cake. I can't wait every day to see the next strip. And, yes, I went through and read them all on Christmas day. And, yes, I have a couple of the Gallery books. I've already laughed at these same musings. And I laugh every time.

But they are hilarious. At least to me....and my dad (thanks to Gary Larson, my dad and I have a closer bond than we would without). And I'm happy to say even my four-year old daughter has found some of them funny. Usually she just walks up, looks at the calendar and says something to the effect of, "What are those cows doing, Mommy?"


  1. Let's Get Real said...

    I have always been a big Farside fan. I think they are so funny. I have a few of the books but do you know they have videos. My cousin has a couple of them and he says they are great. He says you can go to the Farside website to buy them. I haven't had a chance to see them yet but when I do I will tell you about them.  

  2. Tina K said...

    I love the Far Side. Geek humor at it's finest.  

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